10 tips on how to increase home security

31 May, 2023

The security of our home is a crucial aspect of our lives. We want to feel safe and protected within our own walls. Fortunately, there are many measures you can take to ensure that your house is well protected. In this article, we share with you important tips and tricks on how to secure your home and maintain the safety of your family.

In terms of security and protection, living in an apartment is different from living in a single-family house. It is also different to live in the city center compared to living in a secluded house in the outskirts.

The vulnerable points of our home also differ depending on whether we live on the ground floor or the sixth floor, whether we have a terrace, an individual garage, etc. However, there are certain guidelines and tips that everyone can follow and can be useful in all cases. Here are ten of the most notable ones.

  1. Keep the doors in good condition and ensure they are securely closed.

It may seem obvious, but it is essential nonetheless. A door with a locked bolt is more secure than one left only with a latch (which is relatively easy to open). Whether you are at home or not, always lock the door. It is a simple and easy gesture that significantly enhances your security.

Ensure that all the exterior doors of your house are made of sturdy materials, are in good condition, and do not require repairs. Also, check that they have secure locks.

Consider installing reinforced locks or high-security cylinder locks if you want to increase the level of protection in your home.


  1. Install smart locks:

Smart locks are a modern and secure option for protecting your home. These locks allow access without the need for traditional physical keys. Instead, they use technologies like Bluetooth or Wi-Fi connectivity to communicate with mobile devices such as smartphones or tablets, allowing remote control and access management to your home.

One of the advantages of smart locks is the ability to provide temporary or limited access to visitors or trusted individuals. You can grant temporary access codes to family, friends, or delivery services, allowing them to enter your home for a specified period of time. You can also receive real-time notifications when someone opens or closes the door, increasing security and peace of mind.

Another benefit of smart locks is their integration with security systems and home automation devices. You can sync the smart lock with your security alarm, allowing it to automatically arm or disarm when the door is opened or closed. In addition, you can control the lock through voice assistants such as Alexa or Google Assistant, making it easier to manage and incorporating it into your smart home.

It is important to highlight that smart locks also offer a high level of security. Many of them use advanced encryption and two-factor authentication to protect communications and data. Some models also have intruder detection features, such as built-in alarms or automatic locking after multiple failed attempts to enter an incorrect code.

Before choosing a smart lock, be sure to do your research and read reviews on different brands and models. Consider your specific needs and desired features, such as compatibility with your mobile operating system, power source (batteries or electrical connection) and resistance to potential attacks.

If you want to know more about smart locks and how to combine them with other security elements, click here.


  1. Reinforce the windows:

Along with doors, windows are the most common entry points for intruders, especially in the case of single-family homes. However, there are also locks and devices available to increase window security.

You can opt for window locks that attach to the inside and provide an extra layer of protection. These locks, usually of the locking or sliding type, make it difficult to open the window from the outside.

You can install safety latches that allow the window to be opened only to a certain extent, providing ventilation, but maintaining security. There are also blocking devices that can be installed on the window guides to prevent them from being opened from the outside.

If you’re looking for additional security, security bars are an effective option for protecting windows. These bars, made of sturdy materials such as wrought iron or strong aluminum, prevent intruders from gaining access to your home through the windows. It’s important to ensure that the security bars comply with regulations and legal codes to ensure safety and also meet emergency evacuation requirements.

Consider installing reinforced or even armored glass in the most vulnerable windows, such as those at ground level or those located in isolated areas. This type of glass is designed to be more resistant to breakage and requires much more effort to shatter. Strengthened glass can be an excellent security barrier to prevent intrusion through windows.


  1. Properly illuminate your home:

Good outdoor lighting is an effective deterrent against intruders. Install exterior lights in driveways, gardens, and other vulnerable spots to illuminate the area at night. Bright lighting makes your home less appealing to criminals as they will feel more exposed.

Also, consider installing motion sensor lights. These lights turn on automatically when they detect presence or movement, which can scare off intruders and alert neighbors.

Seguridade no fogar, exterior iluminado

  1. Do not leave physical traces of your absence:

When you are away from home for extended periods, it is important that you leave no trace of your absence. Ask someone you trust to pick up the mail regularly or maintain the appearance of your garden. A full mailbox or an overgrown yard can give the impression that the house is empty and attract the attention of potential burglars.

You can also schedule lights and electronic devices to turn on and off automatically, giving the impression that someone is home. Timers are affordable and easy-to-use devices. With them, you can program appliances and lights to turn on and off at different times and days, creating the illusion that the house is inhabited. Vacant properties are often more likely to attract the attention of thieves.


  1. Do not leave digital traces either:

It is important to be cautious with the information that is shared online and on social media. Do not post details about your address, daily routines, or travel plans.

Open profiles on social networks are especially attractive to criminals. If you are on vacation and want to share it with your contacts, consider doing it when you are back and making it clear that the absence is over and you are back home. Otherwise, you may be inviting burglars into your home.


It is important to be aware of who may have access to your information and to ensure that you only share personal data with people you trust. Adjusting your privacy settings on social media is essential to protect your safety and that of your home.

Furthermore, avoid providing personal or detailed information about your home and its inhabitants to strangers or in public places where it is easy to overhear. Criminals can use this information to plan burglaries when they know you are not home. Keeping your privacy always provides more security.


  1. Install a sound alarm:

Consider the possibility of installing a siren, which emits shrill sounds or audible alerts to warn of intruders, emergency situations, or potential threats. Sirens can detect and activate due to an intrusion, smoke detection, an increase in temperature, or the detection of toxic gases such as carbon monoxide.

The mere presence of an audible alarm can deter potential intruders. Thieves look for quick and easy targets, so an audible alarm may cause them to seek another, less protected target. The loud, startling sound of an alarm can surprise and scare intruders, making them deter entering your home.

A loud and clear sound alert can reach neighbors and people nearby. This alert allows, both you and the people around you, to immediately know that there is an emergency situation or that your home is being invaded.


  1. Keep common security items in good condition:

The intercom or video doorbell plays a crucial role in the security of your home. It is the tool that allows communication and identification of visitors before granting them access to the building or your residence.

Check its condition regularly: carry out periodic inspections of the electronic doorphone to ensure that it is in good working condition. Check if the call buttons and intercom units are working properly and if the sound and picture (if applicable) have the required quality. In case of detecting any problems, make sure to carry out the necessary repairs or maintenance as soon as possible.

The security of a building relies on the proper use of the intercom system by all residents. Inform your neighbors about the importance of identifying visitors before granting them access to the building. Remember, never allow entry to unidentified strangers, even if they claim to be conducting maintenance work or deliveries. Promote a culture of security and collaboration among residents to ensure the responsible use of the electronic intercom system.


  1. Install a safe:

A safe is an added security measure to protect valuables and important documents. Choose a sturdy safe and install it in a discreet and secure location in your home. Use it to store valuables such as jewelry, ID, cash, or other precious items. Ensure that the safe is anchored to the floor or wall to make theft more difficult to steel.

There are safes of all sizes and for all budgets, it can be a cost-effective and practical security measure to protect your belongings.

If you want to know more about safes, click here.


  1. Use security cameras:

Security cameras are a very effective tool to protect your home and provide greater peace of mind. Installing security cameras can help prevent intrusions and provide evidence in the event of an incident.

The mere visible presence of security cameras can act as a strong deterrent to intruders and they are very useful for monitoring both the interior and exterior areas of your home, such as gardens, driveways or garages.

Criminals are less likely to commit robberies when they know they are being observed, so seeing our cameras can deter them from trying to break into our home. Make sure they are placed in strategic locations.

One of the great advantages of modern security cameras is that they allow real-time monitoring: you can connect to indoor and outdoor cameras via your mobile phone or digital device and keep an eye on your home from anywhere. This is especially useful when you are away from home for long periods or if you have to travel frequently. You can regularly check if everything is in order and detect any suspicious activity or intrusion immediately.

This monitoring can also be very useful if you have pets or people at home who may need attention, such as children or elderly individuals, as it allows you to see them whenever you want and even interact with them through cameras with two-way audio capabilities.

This audio functionality also enables you to communicate with visitors through the camera system and decide whether to grant them access to your home or not, thus performing access control functions.

When choosing security cameras, make sure to opt for quality models that fit your specific needs. Consider the resolution of the cameras, their image storage capacity, their resistance to weather conditions, and their integration with the rest of the security elements and your mobile devices.

Remember to keep cameras updated and protected with strong passwords to prevent unauthorized access. Also, remember to regularly check the functioning of the cameras and perform proper maintenance, such as cleaning the lenses and making sure they are working properly.


In addition to implementing these 10 tips and tricks to increase the security of your home, establishing a good relationship with your community or neighbors and communicating about any suspicious activity can help prevent burglaries and maintain a safe atmosphere. Additionally, increasing the lighting in common areas or reinforcing the locks on doors and windows in shared spaces will increase our resistance to possible intrusions.

It may also be useful to consider creating an online chat group for quick and efficient communication in case os need.

If you want additional protection for your home, consider hiring the services of a private security company.

If your alarm is connected to a professional Alarm Receiving Center (CRA), if necessary, we can send immediate help to your home, such as the police or emergency services, to attend to the situation 24 hours a day. Having a professional system can provide a quick and effective response to an emergency situation.


Modern alarm systems can be fully customized to provide you with exactly the protection you need, no more and no less, tailored to your specific security requirements.

You have the possibility to configure the components to fit the characteristics of your home: how many door or window sensors, how many cameras and what type, their placement, real-time notifications through your mobile phone or email, home automation integration, remote arming and disarming of the system, viewing and reviewing camera footage, zone-based activation or deactivation, and more.

Security needs can vary from home to home, so the ability to tailor and customize your alarm system is a major benefit.

If you want to consult us without any commitment, please feel free to contact us; we will be happy to assist you.

Seguridad en el hogar, niña conectando alarma

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